Due Venti
In 1733 Antonio Caldara was requested to compose an opera for the celebration of the birthday of Elisabeth Christine von Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, the Empress of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy. Pietro Metastasio wrote the libretto for this first L’Olimpiade. In this complicated love story, the character of Aminta warns the prince to not be deluded by the intense emotions of love. He calls it the greatest folly of all. We are like lost ships on the sea of life. Our emotions are like winds battering against the sails. Only clear reason can save us from being shipwrecked against the dangers of giving in to pleasures. Metastasio’s libretto was so popular at the time that there are over 50 different settings on music.
In Vivaldi’s opera Griselda, the girl Costanza (meaning ‘fidelity in love’) needs to make a difficult choice between what she considers to be her duty and her heart’s desire. She brings up similar imagery. The steersman of the ship fears to be wrecked against the turbulent waves of the sea, that are created by conflicting winds in the sails.

The characters in these stories find themselves in dire circumstances. They need to make important choices that will influence their lives. They feel despair. They fear loss. They feel hope. They feel desire. Their emotions are enlarged so that we can see what happens in their souls. It is up to the artists to convey these feelings to us, the audience. To move our souls so that we can put ourselves in the other’s position. Experience our own feelings and dilemma’s. To grow as human beings. To feel alive.
The music of these characters is often fiery, intense. Despite the emotional turmoil, the music is also intended to be beautiful. Tasteful. Elegant. Within the limitations of style, because it is art and not real life. The music represents the inner world of the characters in the story. The music is their salvation.
This is the philosophy of Due Venti. To move the soul with art. To follow the artist where she or he leads us, in freedom of choice of repertoire. Serving the music as the composer wrote it down, so that it communicates directly to us.

Due Venti was founded by Bob Rammeloo. He is a psychologist with a long experience in training and educating professionals in various fields of work. He specialized in complex communication. This refers to situations in which there are high emotions, interests, stress, etc. Much of this work consists of training individual professionals in the so-called soft skills.
Bob Rammeloo regularly works with teams. This work is often about helping teams establish ways in which they can more effectively organize themselves as a team. Sometimes teams find it difficult to discuss different points of view in a professional way. Sometimes team members are struggling to separate professional opinions from colleagues from personal judgements about themselves. In such circumstances, it is often helpful to apply (scientific) theory in order to put the practical experiences into context. Usually, teamwork also involves creating some guidelines for communication.
Bob Rammeloo also works as a moderator for conferences and for large group theme discussions. Since 2020 he started making educative podcasts.
In private life, he is a great lover of art and music in particular. He has worked with musicians for over 10 years. Due Venti is the ‘second wind’ in his sails.
For contact, please write to: bob.rammeloo@dueventi.com.